Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bird, Baby, Beach & Basketball

We've an eventful start to the week. The day started with a magpie in the kitchen. She did not want to leave and our cat was too scared to shoo her away! We ended up leaving the back door open for her and dashing off to the many things we had planned, hoping that by the time we returned she would have seen herself off. 

We had an appointment with the maternal child health nurse to track Lenus' progress, followed by a few hours on a beach with a bunch of home ed families. Finally Gaia had basketball training.

The beach featured a massive rock pile the kids loved. I believe it had been assembled to protect the life saving club from rising tides. But as far as the children were concerned it was a mountain to be climbed, a series of caves to hide within, and a place to find hidden treasures. 

We also enjoyed the natural bubbles the sea had washed assure, taking a long stroll through them. It was a perfect afternoon catching up with some of our home ed friends in the community and making the most of the sea, sand and sun. 

Before heading home, I overheard Gaia discussing her day with one of the parents. The mother told Gaia she was very lucky to get to spend a school day at the beach. I could not agree more! We really are blessed to live this quirky school free life.

PS. We were relieved to discover Maggie had departed, when we finally made it back home at 6PM. Alas, the girls are now nursing some bird fear and have taken to not only closing the back door but also bolting it shut, lest a magpie should figure out the door handle!

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