Mind Matters

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) runs in our family and after years of observing a multitude of quirks in one of our children we began asking questions. We are currently in the diagnostic process, where we work with our daughter, a speech pathologist, paediatrician and child psychologist to determine whether her quirks place her on the spectrum.

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Autism is not a mental health issue. It is a 'brain-based condition - that is, where the brain has not developed in a typical way' (raisingchildren.net.au). People without autism are referred to as nuerotypical, autism is an example of neurodiversity. No two autistic people are the same, but in general terms autism impacts a person's communication, social skills and behaviour and often has comorbidities such as: sensory issues, sleep issues, speech issues, motor skill issues and anxiety (Amaze.org).

Autism is not a mental health problem, depression, however...

Sazz has battled with depression since childhood. During depressive episodes parenting (like everything else) becomes much more challenging. But in our experience the flexibility of being a school-free family can help. Sazz's depression has also provided valuable life lessons to the kids, helping them to develop a deeper understanding of what "health" means, and giving them "hands-on" experience with the really important subjects: empathy, compassion and care providing.

Interesting articles on our mind matters:

What causes autism?

Neuroplasticity and depression

Nothing's broken, just a profound difference

Spoon Theory: but you don't look sick

Understanding and managing depression

24 Comics that capture the true essence of depession

Grey area of being suicidal

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